May 9. 2024
Megalomaniacs and Gigantophobics
Science Fiction Extracts
The Gigantophobics are afraid of power, even if it is for their own good. And
the Megalomaniacs are the alter egos of the author. His addiction to improve the world he
lives out (fortunately) only in his phantasy but (unfortunately) he cannot – due
to lack of time, talent and training – pour into (recognized) literary forms.
Thus, he invented a new genre, the Science Fiction Extract. This forms the core,
the essence, the concept of future novels and short stories. To read them is not
easy like to digest a can of condensed milk. Nevertheless, whoever likes
hardcore science fiction and is not seeking just for shallow entertainment, will
like his ideas, thoughts, and logical inferences.
And perhaps one day a real writer could appear who infuses the extracts with
water, dialogues, character illustrations and plot details. Alternatively, the
author enrolls for Literature after his retirement and becomes a writer himself.
Andy S. Falkner
Andy S. Falkner is of course a pseudonym. So much can be told about the
author that he is a mathematician and full time university professor for
Computer Science. He has published mainly textbooks and articles in several
languages. His
Science Fiction Extracts have been published in his mother tongue, in German and
in other languages (in his own translation) as printed and as electronic books.
He has been married for over 30 years and they have four adult children. As a
former atheist/Marxist he lives today as a confessing believer. His philosophy
of life, harmonized with his scientific insights, is reflected repeatedly in his
Released on Amazon (.mobi for Kindle)
Bookrix (.epub) in German, partly in

- Virtual Survival

- Space Tourism

- The Data Miner

- The Isothermoid(s)

- The Isothermoid (2)

- *humane Globalization

- The Attractor

- The Fall of Inferium
- Moebius Space-Time

- Risk Technology

- Pax
- Information Sustainment

- Brain Power
- Number-War

- Big Bangs

- Brain Ball

- Cosmic Encounter
- Lord of Two Worlds

- Happy Family
- Artificial and Natural Intelligence
- Science Fiction Virtual

- Transcendence

- The King and His Steward

- The Law of Conservation of Reality

- Monopole
- Darkness and Light (Trinity Trilogy 1)

- Conflict

- The Monocule

- Slow and Fast

- The General Secretary
- Artificial Evolution

- Expertise 1999
- Virtual Realities
- (Almost) Almighty Mathematics

- Intellinet
- Life Phenomena
- Extropy
- Reconcilable Enemy

- The Nanoo

- Cosmic Friendship
- Inversia

- In Front and Back - Trilogy

- Chaos, Cosmos and Logos

- Even the Sùpies Didn’t Know That
- The Monotom
- Research

- The Death of the Bitcoin
- Hearing Protocol
- Life Based Civilization
- Fiftieth

- The Last Naturo

- The Last Artificial Intelligence

- Symbiosis

- The Traitor

- Artificial Consciousness
- Breakdown and Comeback

- Ring Projects
- Skill Training
- The Extropier
- Remote Paradise
- The Cosmophil
- Conspirators
- The Gömböc

- Prospects

- Transhuman
- Artificial Intelligences
- Endless Voyage

- Pandemic

- Abscond

- Let’s Save the Artificial Intelligences

- Homunculus

- Information Conglomerate

- Gigantophobic and Megalomaniac

- AAI—Artificial Artificial Intelligence

- In Threesome (Trinity Trilogy 2)

- The Guru

- EternI (Etern* Quadrilogy 1)

- EternIt (Etern* Quadrilogy 2)

- EternWe (Etern* Quadrilogy 3)

- Past, Present, Future (Trinity Trilogy 3)

- Rescond
- Breakout (Etern* Quadrilogy 4)

- The Vizsla

- Split Intelligence

- Virtual Intelligence

- Megalophobic and Gigantomaniac
- QI—Quantum Intelligence

- Artificial Purpose Consciousness
- The Advance of the Third Riddle

- The Rerise of the Hungarian Meme

- Andy S. Falkner & ChatGPT: Artificial Sci-Fi

- The Escapee

- Brain Mining
- Life Mining
- Fake Hype

- The Machine Man
- Planet of Monsters
- Angels
- Pete S. Falkner: Sir Professor
- Alpha, Beta, Meta
- Billow Care
- Overweight
- Music Mind ✡
- Counterpoint ✡
- Message of the Quants
- Hetero Sapiens—Other Kinds of Intelligences

- AI—Affected Intelligence

- Goo

- Paradigm

- Intelligence

- Outswarming

- National Scifi-Trilogy
78, 79, 80, 83 Etern* Quadrilogy
26,76, 81 Trinity Trilogy

23, 77, 90, 96, 104 Science Fiction Spiritual
Collection 1
ISBN: 9781973201687 ·
The King and His Steward ·
The Data Miner ·
The Isothermoid(s) ·
The Isothermoid (2) ·
Darkness and Light ·
The Monocule ·
Slow and Fast ·
Artificial Evolution ·
(Almost) Almighty Mathematics
Collection 2 ISBN:
9798858047681 · Paperback
Reconcilable Enemy
Let’s Save the Artificial Intelligences
Gigantophobic and Megalomaniac ·
QI—Quantum Intelligence
Published in English at Amazon

Feedback: megalomane
Author's page at Amazon
(in German)