Science Fantasy Trilogy in one volume
Megalomaniacs and Gigantophobs, Volumes 26, 76 and 81, 2023
ISBN: 9798374861983
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These three stories in one volume reflect the essence of a scientist's insights gained after fifty years of living with God, embellished with a good dose of his phantasy. The first decades of his life as an atheist went pretty wrong, but then he found a personal relationship with God through reading the Bible. Since then, he has strived to reconcile his faith with his thinking and his personal experiences with Him. Of course, this is only possible with many subjective perceptions. Therefore, he does not intend to reveal any universally valid illuminations for the essence of the existence and is also aware that much contradicts some commonly accepted theologies. Thus they can be considered heretical. In particular, most of it is not compatible with the convictions and worldviews prevalent in our Western society. Nevertheless, some readers may find it helpful to see that the issues can be interpreted also in this way. And the fantasy elements may even be entertaining.
This volume includes Darkness and Light, In Threesome and Past, Present, Future.
Keywords: God, intelligence, love, community, Paradise, human, science, ✡