Andy S. Falkner: Etern* Quadrilogy

Four Science Fiction publications in one volume

Megalomaniacs and Gigantophobs, Volume 78-80+83, 2022/23

ISBN: 9798367724585

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Andy S. Falkner: Ewig*-Trilogie

It has long been a dream of science fiction writers and readers to store a human personality in a computer. Artificial Intelligence is likely to be a suitable technology for this. However, this does not result in omnipotent gods who solve all of mankind's problems. Especially when such an eternal self is granted human rights, e.g. to property and integrity (see EternI and EternIt). Megalomania takes hold, and sooner or later gigantophobia too. And is eternity different for AIs than for humans?

Keywords: Self-Awareness, God, Life Instinct, Relationship, Artificial Intelligence, Personality, Programming, ✡

Megalomaniacs and Gigantophobs

Next volume: Past, Present, Future

Hungarian Spanish Russian Esperanto German Ewig*-Quadrilogie