Andy S. Falkner: Past, Present, Future

(Trinity Trilogy 3)

Historic Science Fantasy

Megalomaniacs and Gigantophobs, Volume 81, 2022

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Andy S. Falkner: EwigWir

World history is finite: it has a beginning and an end. Those who know it can reveal it to others. However, the matter is too complicated to understand everything exactly. So whoever likes can speculate and fantasize about it further. The Trinity Trilogy is an intellectually oriented, perhaps a bit irreverent example. And the third part is the conclusion of how everything going to be turn out.

Keywords: Creation, Logic, God, Understanding, Man, Trust, Free Will, IX

Trinity Trilogy: Darkness and Light, In Threesome, Past, Present, Future

Megalomaniacs and Gigantophobs

Next volume: Rescond

Hungarian Spanish Russian Esperanto German Vergangenheit, Gegenwart, Zukunft