Andy S. Falkner: Paradigm

Science Fiction

Megalomaniacs and Gigantophobs, Volume 110, 2024

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Andy S. Falkner: Paradigm 

The word «paradigm» means way of thinking. The concept plays an important role in technical developments, including computer science. For example, there are many different programming languages that can be programmed using different paradigms. The paradigm is often determined by the goal of the development: In order to achieve a new, higher goal, the classic paradigm used in the industry up to that point is not sufficient. This applies in particular to the development of artificial intelligence, where we do not yet know what we can, want or do not want to achieve. Should AIs rule the world? Or is it enough that they are only much less likely to cause a traffic accident or an airplane disaster than human pilots? The goal must be clear from the start of development, because a subsequent paradigm shift can have unforeseeable consequences. One aspect of the paradigm is even the philosophical conviction that the set goal in principle is achievable.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, God, Software Development, Intelligence, Philosophy, Community, Communication

Megalomaniacs and Gigantophobs

Next volume: Intelligence

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